Listings in Co Fermanagh
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Co Fermanagh
All listings in Co Fermanagh

Keeranbeg (Enniskillen)
Hi, I’ve played some dnd and merp back in the nineteen hundreds but recently have a son who’s dming sone dnd as well as board games (twilight imperium, dune) with family. I’m just checking to see if there are any public groups in the county.
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annielou (Enniskillen)
love dnd!! played in one campaign that had to end since everyone moved onto uni <\3 big fan of dimension 20 and baldur’s gate 3 :)
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Rob (Enniskillen)
New to D&D and looking for a group to play and learn in. I also like 40k and have a old vampire counts army for Warhammer fantasy. But haven't played in years.
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Ivan (Enniskillen)
Historical and modern tabletop wargames, smaller games of 40k like necromunda or kill team, model building and conversion
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Anonymous8213 (Enniskillen)
Hi! I'm new in the Co Fermanagh area and looking for a D&D group who would be interested in letting me DM a one-shot. It'd be great to make some new friends along the way too :)
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Anonymous7017 (Enniskillen)
Hey, I'm looking for a Tabletop Role Playing Game club in/around Enniskillen. Preferably one that doesn't involve homebrew systems. Has anyone heard of/played in one?
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Dr. A (Enniskillen)
Looking for a couple of players to join a D&D game in or near Enniskillen looking for an LGBTQ+ friendly environment!
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